
Sailor Moon

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Sparkly Tears and Bubbles are da-bomb!!!

Sailor Moon and her Sailor Scouts

Here I know it is scary but my friend Erika introduced me once again to this and I find it very funny. Oh well here is some suff aobut this cartoon.
Theme Song:
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
[ed: did whoever wrote that line watch the show?]
She is the one named Sailor Moon!

She will never turn her back on a friend,
She is always there to defend,
She is the one on whom we can depend,
She is the one named Sailor...

Sailor Venus!
Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Mars!
Sailor Jupiter!

With secret powers
All so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Moon!

Fighting evil by moonlight,
Winning love by daylight,
With her Sailor Scouts to help fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She is the one ... Sailor Moon!

My only love
Deep in my soul
Love so strong
It takes Control

Now we both know
the secrets bare
The feeling show

Driven far apart
I make a wish
On a shooting star

Never come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love

Even though you're gone
Love will still live on
The feeling is so strong
My only love
My only love

Never come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love

You reached the deepest part
Of the feeling in my heart
I've known it from the start
My only love

Never come a day
Somewhere far away
In your arms I'll stay
My only love

You reached the deepest part
Of the secret in my heart
I've known it from the start
My only love
My only love

Hey I know you are singing this now erika

Sailor Scouts to Sailor Moon: You're the glue that holds us all together!
Sailor Mercury: Mercury Bubble Blast!
Darien to Serena: Hey, Meatball Head...
Serena to Reeny: Now what are you doing, spawn?
Serena: "Is it the world thats going bonkers or is it me?! AAAARRGG!!"
Serena's Mom: "It's you dear, go take a nap."
Luna (about Serena): "You know why she eats so much? It takes alot of fuel to run that motor mouth!"
Lita (almost everytime she meets a guy): "He reminds me of my X- boyfriend!"
Sailor Moon (while being chased by a plane): "How totally embarassing... How will I ever explain to my friends why I have TIRE TRACKS DOWN MY BACK?!"
Queen Beryl: "That's so sweet. I'm getting cavities!"

Sailor Moon: "Ha, ha! You missed! Is that all you got?!" (More razor papers fly towards her) "AHH!!"

Luna: "Oooh! Now she's trapped in a corner! What a heroine!"

Serena (about Raye):"Wow! She's really something! It almost wants me to study about temples and stuff."

Molly, friend and Luna(a couple of sweat drops on each of their heads):"Uuuuhhhhh.."

(Serena blushes and giggles)

Luna: "Serena?! Why are you such a wimp?!"

Serena(crying):"I'm not a wimp...! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"


Luna: "Lower the decibels, will you?!"


Miss Trust: "What? This girl is actually *proud* to be a flake?"

Sailor Moon: "Yes, I like being unique!"

Amy: "I hate to admit it, but these cakes are giving me energy!"

Lina: "You got that right! And for sure, they've fooled Serena into thinking that she rather have a big butt then to be with Darien!"

Serena: "Oh, math is too hard! It's as easy as figuring out the Moon Light Night! Uh-uh! Can't do it!"

Alan: "Ta da! A buffet of luxious delights for my one and only!"

Anne: "Aw, Alan! You did this for me? Ooohhh! (Pause) Uhhh.., what are those disgusting looking brown things?"

Alan: "Uh.., I don't know, you try them first."

Molly: "He's so cute!"

Serena (waking up after Raye's attack):"CUTE?! WHERE?!"

Luna(thinking):[Ohh! That was a quick recovery!]

Molly: "Who's that hunk-o-saurus?!"

Sailor Moon: "Me! Check out this cute little nose!"

Sailor Mars: "HA! I've seen gorillas at the Zoo with better noses!"

Anne: "You know Alan, you shouldn't eat too much food, YOU MIGHT GET SICK!"

Lita: "Hey! No one gets sick from my cooking! And if they do, it's probably because OF THE COMPANY THEY KEEP! Get what I'm saying.., ANNE?!"

Anne: "Well, too much food dulls the mind, maybe that's why HE'S WITH YOU!"

Sailor Jupiter: "Smooth move, ya pyro! You nearly melted my boots!"

Molly: "Must have been dropped on his head as a child..."

Rei: "Oh, please. Let's get out the violins."

Serena and Molly: "Miss Lambert's marrying a goober!"

Serena: "Whaaaat? As if, you want me to sit next to that?!"

Darien: "My thoughts exactly."

Molly: "Serena, get a life."

Serena: "Heey! I have a great one!"

Serena: "Oooo, it's that weird lady"

Luna: "Lita could use some help!"

Serena: "Huh...?"

Luna: "Done shaking yet?"

Serena: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Serena: "I can sing for you, Lita, but....that might make you feel worse..."

Serena's Mom: "You can be whatever you wanna be.., as long as you don't borrow my clothes."

Molly: "Melvin, it's obvious you have been watching way too much science fiction. Get a life!"

Melvin: "I'd like to thank all of my close personal friends on the internet!"

Sailor Moon: "The Sailor Scouts are here!"

Sailor Moon: "I am Sailor Moon! The champion of justice! And in behalf of the moooon, I will right wrongs, triumph over evil, and that means you!"

Serena: "....Amy.....hellllp..."

Amy:"OH! Serena, you scared me!"

Serena: "Food...I need food..."

Amy: "Sorry! I just ate the last bite of my sandwhich."

Serena(runs over to Amy's empty lunchbox):"Oooooh-oooohhh......."

Amy: "Forget yours?" (Serena looks up at Amy with tears in her eyes, moaning)"That's the third time this week---silly!"

Serena (whining/crying): "You didn't even leave me a crumb.... Ooooohh!" (Serena faints into Amy's arms)

Amy: "Oh! Serena! Stay with me! I'll give you some orange juice!"

Sailor Moon: "Heeyyy! You guys are stealing all of my lines...!"


For more fun with Sailor Moon and her Scouts check out this website!