

Gaston: How can you read this? There are no pictures in it! Belle: Well, some people use their imagination.
Belle: What do you know about my dreams, Gaston? Gaston: Plenty! Picturethis... a rustic hunting lodge... my latest kill roasting over the fire... and my little wife, massaging
my feet... while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs... we'll have six or seven. Belle: Dogs? Gaston: No, Belle! Strapping boys, like me! Belle: Imagine that. Gaston: And do you know who that little wife will be, Belle? Belle: Let me think... Gaston: You, Belle! Belle: Gaston... I - I'm speechless... I really don't know what to say... Gaston: Say you'll marry me! Belle: I'm truly sorry, Gaston... but I - I just don't deserve you!
Beast: I want to do something for her... but what? Cogsworth: Oh, there's the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep...
Cogsworth: As you can see, the psuedo-facade was stripped away to reveal a
minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings. This is yet another example of the late neoclassical
baroque period. And, as I always say, "if it's not baroque, don't fix it!"
Gaston: If I didn't know better, I'd say you had feelings for that monster.
Belle: He's no monster, Gaston. You are!
Beast: [to Belle] You'll come out or I'll break down
the door! Lumiere: Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections.
Belle: Gaston, you are positively primeval. Gaston: Why thank you, Belle.
Villagers: [singing] We don't like what
we don't understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least...
Belle: Of course I came back. I couldn't let them... Oh this is all my
fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner. Beast: Maybe it's better... it's better this way. Belle: Don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're § together now, everything's going to be fine. You'll see. Beast: At least I got to see you one... last time...
Chip: Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?
Beast: [screaming] You will join me for dinner! That's
not a request!
Featherduster: [to Lumiere] I've been burnt by you before!
Gaston: [singing] LeFou, I'm afraid I've been thinking...
Lefou: A dangerous pastime. Gaston: I know.
Gaston: [singing] Here in town is only she, who is beautiful
as me, so I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle.
[Belle is washing the Beast's wounds] Beast: [roaring] Grrrrrrr! That hurts! Belle: If you would hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much! Beast: If you wouldn't have run away, this would never have happened! Belle: If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away! [Beast sulks] Beast: Well YOU shouldn't have been in the West Wing. Belle: YOU should learn to control your temper. Hold still, this may sting a little. [Presses cloth to wound]
Belle: By the way, thank you, for saving my life. Beast: You're welcome.
Lefou: [singing] No one plots like Gaston, takes cheap
shots like Gaston, plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston!
Gaston: It's not normal for a woman to read! Soon she starts getting *ideas*,
and *thinking*...
Cogsworth: Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just HAD to invite him to STAY,
didn't we? [Imitates Lumiere] Cogsworth: "Serve him TEA." "Sit in zee master's CHAIR." "Pet zee POOCH!"
LeFou: [singing] Gaston is the best, and
the rest is all drips. [accidentally splashes a cup of water at Gaston standing right behind him]
Belle: [singing] I want adventure in the great, wide
somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. And for once it would be grand to have someone understand. I want so much more
than they've got planned.
Cogsworth: Enchanted? He he! Who said this castle was enchanted? [to
Lumiere] Cogsworth: It was you, wasn't it?
Lumiere: Ma chère mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure
that we welcome you tonight. And now, we invite to relax, let us pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents... your
Beast: Oh, it's no use. She's so beautiful, and I'm... Well, look at me!
[Beast is attempting to ask Belle to dinner "nicely"]
Beast: Will you come down to dinner? Belle: No! [Beast points furiously at the door. Cogsworth urges him forward] Cogsworth: Suave. Genteel. Beast: [formally] It would give me... great pleasure if you would... join me for dinner. Cogsworth: Ahem! Beast: [flatly] ... please.
Cogsworth: [shakes Lumiere's hand in truce] Well, Lumiere,
shall we let bygones be bygones? Lumiere: Of course, mon ami, I told you she would break the spell! Cogsworth: I beg your pardon old friend, but I believe I told you Lumiere: No you didn't, I told you! Cogsworth: You most certainly did NOT you pompous parafin-headed peabrain! Lumiere: En garde, you over pocket watch!
Villagers: [singing] Here we come, we're
fifty strong, and fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong...

